What is Fear?
Personal Background

Fear is an inevitable result of the feeling of separation from one’s Source

Evil, greed, feeling victimized, acts of desperation and more come from the feeling of aloneness that fear perpetuates. We seek to regain the security that is - lost. Moving through the fear is the healing process. When an individual chooses judgment of self and others, by its very nature, a schism in perception occurs even though the connection is still there. Surrendering judgment of self and others is the root of wholeness.

Feeling our fears is part of a normal and healthy life. Fears can come and go as needed. However, building a life around our fears, never choosing to release them, allowing a home for them in our bodies and in our minds creates disease. Stomach problems, muscle aches, headaches, alcoholism, cancer and other debilitating problems are common ailments that affect our job performance and family life.

When we depend on external needs we are in fear! 

Ending fear is ending isolation

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P.O. Box 716
Lewiston, California  96052
(530) 778-0834